As of Friday (September 30), there are 1,113 projects powered by Cardano, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg as fr as good news you will hearing about in this article.
As Olga Hryniuk, who works in the Marketing and Communications department of IO Global (IOG), the blockchain technology firm responsible for the development of Cardano ($ADA), reported on September 30 in her company’s latest Cardano Weekly Report, there are currently (as of the date of the report) 100 projects launched on Cardano, 1,113 projects building on Cardano, 6.1 million tokens, and 3,307 Plutus scripts; also, there have so far been over 50.3 million transactions.

Source: IOG
On September 22, Input Output Global (“IOG”), the blockchain technology company behind Cardano’s R&D, announce that at 9:44 p.m. UTC on that day IOG and Cardano Foundation successfully hard forked the Cardano mainnet via the Vasil hard for combinator (HFC) event, thereby bringing “significant performance & capability enhancements” to Cardano. They also mentioned that “on September 27, at the start of the new epoch, the new Plutus V2 cost model will be active on the chain, thus opening up full #Vasil functionality for the developer community.”

Then, on September 27, IOG announced that Vasil’s new features and enhancements (including node & CLI support for reference inputs, inline datums, reference scripts) as well a the Plutus V2 cost model had just become available on the Cardano mainnet. They also mentioned that “early reports from DApp developers are very promising.”

One of the reports was from Cardano-powered NFT marketplace Artano. Here is what the Artano development had to say about their early findings:
“For Artano, Vasil features provide significant benefits in reducing the transaction size and market operations fees (ie NFT buying and bidding)…

Source: Essential Cardano
Then, on September 29, MuesliSwap, which claims to be “the first native, scalable decentralized exchange on Cardano”, announced that after launching their Plutus V2 scripts, they are seeing “some amazing benchmarks.”

Unfortunately, as IOG Co-Founder and CEO Charles Hoskinson pointed out yesterday, despite all the impressive progress that Cardano has made along its development roadmap, there are some in the crypto space that still continue to dismiss Cardano’s many accomplishments and allege that Cardano has “delivered nothing.”
